Some of the Most Unique Study Programs in Various Campuses in the World – The educational background determines your future career, although the practice is not always like that. But education is very meaningful to get or give to everyone. Everyone has the right to receive a proper education.
Some of the Most Unique Study Programs in Various Campuses in the World
Dialogue about education, there are many majors that have been offered by major academies in Indonesia. The education system in your country has focused you from an early age on the majors you desire
The most universally known college majors include Economics such as Accounting and Management, Communication Studies, Industrial Systems, Civil Engineering, and others. But what happens if there are no majors offered by major academies in Indonesia that match your wishes? So who would have thought that several campuses in the world have very unique departments and you are interested. Here are the most unique college majors in the world.
1. Auction
As the name suggests, you will be taught how to carry out and understand what is a good, right and fair auction and how to get the rarest items with the right strategy.
One of the major academies that offer auction science majors is Vincennes University, located in Indiana, USA. After graduation, his job prospects will be an auctioneer.
2. E-Sports And Games
One of the majors that is new and much in demand is the Department of E-Sports or Games, there are many universities in the world that offer E-Sports and Games majors including Chung-Ang University, Robert Morris University, University of Washington, Champlain College, University of Austin, and many others.
3. Parenting Science
Seperti nama jurusannya, jurusan Universitas Sullivan ini mengarahkan bermacam metode serta cara mengurus, berdialog, serta pengembangan anak yang baik cocok etika dan perilaku yang benar. Prospek pekerjaan yang membolehkan merupakan selaku Penjaga Individu, Bekerja di Sekolah ataupun membuka Usaha Seperti Penitipan Anak.
4. Adventure Guidance
If you like mountain climbing and adventure in nature, then this course is for you. This course is offered by Plymouth State University. In this major you will learn about the basics of outdoor activities, moreover you will also learn how to create your identity and personal development in this major.
5. Riset Manga
If you are a fan of manga, Seika University Kyoto could be your dream university. The institute established an initial faculty for teaching manga or games which were popular in Japan in 2006 and has since become a global center for research in the arts. Scholars at the faculty also analyze the cultural significance of manga and offer various doctoral programs in the field.
6. Stand-Up Comedy
If you want to pursue a career in the stand-up field, Humber College could be the right choice to make your dream come true. Humber College offers diploma programs in comedy composing and performing. Over 4 semesters, this course will take students through the basics of writing and sketching and how to do stand-up.
7. Fermentation Sciences
Delving into the science of fermentation processes is a subject of study at the Appalachian Regional University. You will be taught how to digest fermented ingredients into technically edible drinks. Your job prospects for this major will be in the beverage and food manufacturing area or in the biotechnology business, yes.
So that’s the list of the most unique college majors in the world, are you interested in one of the college majors written in this article?